My Project Portfolio

Coop side-project, 2020
Created a matlab app that could calculate and generate field of view (FOV) of the structure light cameras and output its design parameters for hardware selection and analysis. Tasks include writing matlab scripts to compute the FOV at each working distances, compile lists of hardwares parameters in the program, verfifying the calculation through CAD modeling, and creating an user-friendly interface through matlab app designer.
Covid-19 PPE initivative, 2020
Contribute to the creation of sanitiser wristband to increase the accessbility to hand sanitization in response to Covid-19. Tasks include delegating tasks to team members, generating design concepts, prototyping product and conducting user testing for product improvement.
See the news here for more infoEngineering competition showcase, 2019
Competed in the school-wide engineering competition with the theme of designing an eco-friendly robot that could differentiate organic/inorganic wastes. With a group of 6 team members, the group implemented a waste collecting robot to differentiate between grapes and marbles. My tasks was to design and prototype the mechanical assembly of the collecting and sorting mechanisms on the robot, and then refined the design through iterative testing process. After the competition, the team won second place and the robot also received the people's choice award.
See the news here for more infoFirst-year project, 2018
Design and prototype a light generator by storing human kinetic energy to the capacitor for areas without electricity. Tasks include generating design concept, creating initial design using cardbaords, calculating gear-ratio, selecting components and materials, and testing the device power efficiency.